NAPLAN Results

Early in term 2, the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) was conducted for Yeas 3, 5, 7 and 9 across the country.  Results for these assessments have been sent home today.

Overall, our results again show high levels of student learning growth; a great reward for everyone’s efforts across the community!  We always do keep in mind though that assessment like this target particular areas, and do not necessarily assess what makes your child special and unique.  The assessors don’t know the whole person, only what they see on one piece of paper in front of them.  They don’t know that many of our students play a musical instrument or that they can dance or paint amazing pictures.  They don’t know that many of our students write poetry or songs, play or participate in a variety of sports, are experts on the monkey bars, and wonder about the future.  They don’t know that many of our students have had amazing experience travelling all over the world or that they love spending time with family and friends.  They don’t know that our students can be trustworthy, kind or thoughtful, and that they try every day to the very best they can….these test scores will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything.

As a school, we are proud of the efforts and results our students achieved.