Archive: March 2018

Working Bee

Thank you to the students and parents, including Sam and Nick Wood who helped at the Working Bee last Sunday. The sport shed has never been so clean!  

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Principal Message

Thank you to the many families who supported Mr Beck with our working bee yesterday. Several jobs were completed including – picking multiple buckets of olives to be preserved, tidying the sports shed, decluttering the internal storeroom, reorganising the canteen and setting up the reading room. Well done to all, since completing these tasks has saved many hours of…

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Entertainment Book Pre-Orders Open Now!

Pre-order from Toorak Primary School and receive your NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership in time for school holidays! Help us raise funds for our school projects by buying an Entertainment Membership, and you can enjoy value the whole family will love this school holidays. You’ll receive hundreds of valuable offers to keep the kids…

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Hello from our Community Welfare Officers- Mervyn and Sara

Mervyn                                                                      Sara A message from Mervyn: My name is Mervyn Marsh and I will be working at Toorak Primary this year…

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Excursions and Incursions – Important Information

A reminder to parents, payment and consent for excursions must be received three working days prior to the event to enable your child to participate. Consent is via Compass and payment can be made on QkR under payments/excursions/enter amount. Consent is not required for incursions. QkR Instructions How an I keep track of my QkR…

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Working Bee Sunday 18 March

TPS’s annual Working Bee will be held on Sunday 18 March from 10am to 12noon. If you would like to volunteer your time, please CONSENT on Compass by Thursday 15 March. Tasks identified for the Working Bee are harvesting olives, painting garden beds (west entrance), clearing out gear under the stairs (inside), clearing out/ sorting storage…

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