Archive: August 2018

Father’s Day Morning Friday August 31st Kick-to-Kick before school and hot drinks available

Happy Father’s Day Father’s Day is nearly here and to celebrate children are inviting their Dads/Guardians/Special Gentlemen to attend a before school Father’s Day morning on Friday 31st August, between 8-9am. There will be a delicious bake sale, a coffee cart where you can purchase a hot drink, and bring a ball for some kick-to-kick or shoot some hoops!

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Child Safe Standards- recognise, react, report

In 2017 Victoria introduced compulsory minimum standards that will apply to organisations that provide services for children to help protect children from all forms of abuse. The child safe standards form part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry. The regulator, the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), is charged with…

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House Athletics Champions

Congratulations to our age group champions from the House Athletics who were recognised at assembly last week. U 8/9 girls Marli Ryan, Poppy Wallace and Ella Rossney U 8/9 boys Harvey Coleman, Max Beresford-Wylie, Israel Baldwin U/ 10 girls Molly Templeton, Daisy Handbury, Gia Dredge, Ava Papatua U/ 10 boys Charlie Fawcett, Will Christensen, Charlie…

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Foundation Fathers Day Breakfast Thursday August 30th 9:10am – please bring a plate of food. Details below.

Foundation fathers, grandfathers, uncles or special friends. Please come and join us for a Father’s Day Breakfast. WHERE:  Starting in the hall for breakfast and weather permitting, moving outside for some games. WHEN: Thursday 30th August at 9:10 am – 10:30am Feel free to add to our breakfast with a  small plate of food to…

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Parent Well-being Discussion Group Friday August 24th – CANCELLED

Parent Well-being Discussion Groups Please note that the scheduled Parent Well-being Discussion Group for this Friday at 2.30pm is CANCELLED. The next session will be on Thursday evening, September 13th on the topic of Parent-Child Dynamics. To register for this discussion group, please email –

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Grade 4 News

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) week was celebrated at TPS on Tuesday 24 August with the whole school participating in a range of STEAM activities. These included building bridges, constructing towers out of spaghetti, and making masks, amongst other things. On Wednesday 23 August, grades 3 and 4 participated in Hoop Time. A…

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