Archive: August 2018

Enrolments 2019 Reminder

A reminder to parents, that if they have a child commencing in Foundation next year, and have not submitted their enrolment form, please do so ASAP. Thank you.

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Melbourne Symphony Orchester and Circus Oz

Tickets have sold out to the performance of Circus Oz and the Melbourne Symphony Orchester. Tickets will be available for collection at the office in the coming weeks of which you will be notified by email.

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Beans, Beans and more Beans!

We are well into winter and the crops at TPS are looking great. Broad beans were planted and looked after by the Grade 1’s earlier this season and are doing especially well. Garden Club members decided to build a trellis for the beans to ensure they stand upright and in no time the crop will be…

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Ski Camp Group 1 Day 3

The weather at Bulla is much better this morning and the children are looking forward to not being drenched by the end of the day!

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Grade 5 Ski Camp Group 1

More photos …..

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Parent Communication and assistance with student concerns

Dear Parents and Carers, Toorak Primary School leadership and staff endeavor to ensure that all parental concerns are addressed in a timely fashion. All concerns communicated via email or phone call to the school will addressed within the week by either a member of the leadership team or the classroom teacher. If there are immediate…

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