Archive: September 2019

Fabulous Father’s Day Celebration

What a perfect day our Father’s Day celebration was on Thursday.  The weather was fine, there were hundreds of dads and uncles and grand-dads along with our TPS families all enjoying the hint of spring weather, the smell of cooking sausages, the free coffee, the temptations of the Grade 6 Cake Stall ….and the inaugural…

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NAPLAN Results

Early in term 2, the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) was conducted for Yeas 3, 5, 7 and 9 across the country.  Results for these assessments have been sent home today. Overall, our results again show high levels of student learning growth; a great reward for everyone’s efforts across the community!  We…

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Community Messages and Advertisements

Week 8 Community Messages and Advertisements

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