GATEWAYS Gifted Program

Do you have a child who may suit the GATEWAYS program? Gateways caters for students who fall under the ‘Gifted and Talented’ category. Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following domains: intellectual, creative, social and physical. Talented students are those whose skills are distinctly above average in one or more areas of human performance.  All teachers cater to highly able learners through our curriculum differentiation and extracurricular/clubs, however GATEWAYS may be the extra-curricular opportunity that your child may be seeking. Please find further information about the GATEWAYS program via the GATEWAYS website; and attached is the calendar of when programs are offered. In addition to GATEWAYS, there is an excellent Tournament of Minds program running this year focusing on language, literature, social sciences, and the arts that would be great to utilise for our G&T students. Gateways Calendar

I am aware of some families who have children that fall into this category, but if I have not been in contact with you, please speak with your child’s teacher who can then pass this on to me, or contact me via the school email.

Thank you,

Amy Brown
Grade 5 Classroom Teacher