Grade 4 Welcome Back

Dear Parents and Grade 4 Community,

Welcome back! Term 3 is off to a very busy start!

We would like to thank everyone who came and contributed to our Community Dinner at the end of Term 2. It was a great success, and would not have been possible without all of your contributions. We managed to raise $716.65 for the charity, Feed Melbourne who will be able to use the donation to provide 1065 meals for those in need.

This term as part of our science unit we are looking at materials and their properties. In week 1 we had a science incursion with Hands On Science, who helped us to explore how different materials have different uses. The students were buzzing with excitement as they conducted various experiments during the session. We hope this sparks their curiosity as we delve into our solar boat designs and construction.

Students exploring materials in Hands On Science

We are currently looking for parent helpers to attend our excursion to the Melbourne Museum on Monday the 30 July. This excursion is part of our history unit exploring First Peoples and European settlement, as well as expanding our knowledge in our science unit regarding materials, and prompting our term 4 science unit which will be focusing on geology.