Grade 5/6 Week 7 Blog

Last week there was a small incident at lunchtime. It went something like this:

“I knocked over someone’s lunch box into the mud, instead of just saying ‘sorry’ I quickly went and got some tissue to clean it up. That other student felt better because I showed I was sorry or SHORRY.”

It prompted a great discussion in the classroom about other ways we have been SHORRY:

  • We were shorry by giving each other a hand up or take them to the sick bay if we accidentally hurt someone while playing a game.
  • When my brother accidentally knocked out my tooth when I was little and to make me feel better he secretly left me $5 on my pillow with the tooth fairy.
  • When someone else was being blamed, I owned up to a situation and was honest when I did the wrong thing.
  • When I wasted time in the classroom I helped pay back the time by putting up everyone’s chairs at the end of the day.
  • At ski camp I was shorry and helped the person I had upset by carrying their skis

Well done Grade 5/6, make sure you continue to show such great initiative and being shorry when you need to be.