Said is Dead in Year 2

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The Year 2s are currently learning about narrative structure and various techniques to enrich their story writing, grab the reader’s attention and develop their voice as an author.

In an effort to improve vocabulary, the V in our new whole school V.C.O.P writing program, the Year 2s farewelled the word said. After thanking said for all the times it has been of use since Prep, we then held an official funeral and buried the word in the playground.

In preparation for the word said’s demise, we spent last week locating synonyms we could use instead of the dreaded s-word.

Here is a just a sample of 2A and 2B’s lists of synonyms so far, which we will continue to expand:

hissed, screeched, screamed, sighed, ordered, groaned, giggled, yawned, shouted , murmured, mumbled, laughed, yelled, panted, grunted , squawked, whispered, nodded, asked, added, wondered, insisted, cried, sobbed, answered, replied, complained, sulked, joked, whined, snapped, whimpered, grumbled, argued, meowed, called, whistled, announced, explained, pointed out, interrupted, gulped. cheered, exclaimed, growled, wailed …

Not bad for a week’s work … this exercise has certainly highlighted the richness and complexity of English vocabulary.