Author: Sharon Wildermuth

Grade 3 Excursion to the Planetarium and Science Works.

On Monday the 30th of July, the Year 3’s went to Scienceworks and experienced an adventure into the sky. We had the chance to learn about day, night and space, our next inquiry unit. In the planetarium we got to lie back and learn about the constellations in the night sky and why we get…

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Navigating Social Media and Technology

Last week we had our first Parent Well-being Discussion Group and the topic was Social Media and Technology. This is a very vast and broad topic that has so many facets to cover, largely in an unknown space that we are all trying to keep up with. Our children are the first generation that are…

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What does it mean to ‘Be Yourself’?

This is a term that is often used and bandied around, yet it often comes without much substance. The reality is, the world out there is full of messages that are telling us to ‘be something’ and that our value and worth is based on our achievements or on what we look like. So being…

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Semester 1 Report Feedback- thank you!

Dear Parents, The Semeter 1 Report feedback survey is now closed. Here is some of your feedback regarding the changes and what worked in semester 1. The staff will now use your written feedback to begin to improve the process for the end of year reports and moving into 2019 regular reporting structures.

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Book Week 2018- dress up parade on Wednesday August 1st- bring a gold coin donation

Book Week Friday 27th of July – Friday 3rd of August Toorak Primary School will be holding our annual Book Week. Friday 27th of July to Wednesday 1st August The Book Fair will be open before school from 8.15am to 8.45am and after school from 3.45pm to 4pm. Friday 27th of July Classes will visit…

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What are the Child Safe Standards? Please watch the video below

As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety of all students, Toorak Primary has documented procedures and policies for ensuring that all seven of the standards are met, reviewed and adhered to by all members of the community. Relevant documentation is available on the school website for your information. Please view the video below…

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