Author: Grade 05

Year 5 Camp Manyung Day 2

Day Two at Camp Manyung has been another adventure-filled day. After a restful sleep, we were all energized for a new day! The clouds looked quite ominous, but we weren’t going to let that stop us from enjoying our busy day of activities. Everyone rugged up, complete with wet weather gear, and off we went….

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Year 5 Camp Manyung Day 1

We could feel the excitement flowing amongst the Year 5s this morning as they gathered at school ready for their adventure to Camp Manyung. After a brisk coach ride, we arrived at our sunny destination of Mount Eliza. Students were silent, eagerly awaiting their cabin and activity group allocations, before settling into their new accommodation….

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Open Day Success!

On Tuesday 3rd March, a flurry of parents visited the year 5 classes to view their child’s inquiry project. The students had been working relentlessly over the past four weeks to produce a diorama and an information report based on a significant time or person in Australia’s colonial history. The grade 5 team are grateful…

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Welcome to Year 5

Wow! What a start to the year we have had; where has the past five weeks gone? Since the beginning of term, students have settled well into their new classes, routines and hit the ground running with their learning. So far the students have written and published an outstanding piece of writing. The students were…

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