Author: Grade 06

Grade 3 Sport

This year the Grade 3 students will undertake year level sport on Wednesday afternoon. This will include a variety of sports and games. The aim will be to build our students ability to work well in teams and encourage physical activity. At times, the students will choose the games that we play and on other…

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Grade 5/6 Narratives

The Grade 5s and 6s have been planning, composing, editing and publishing narratives. They are very close to being completed. Here are some examples of some excellent snippets of their writing so far: I scream as the plane turns in circles through the warm night air. The plane is out of control, lights are flashing…

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What fun in Grade One…

In Grade 1 this term there have been many highlights, commencing with the presentation of badges to our Class Captains, Green Team and Junior School Council members. We look forward to seeing these leaders grow into their roles. We also enjoyed visiting the Grade 5 Shoe Box Interactive Dioramas Museum where we learnt many interesting…

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Our Busy Preps

Our Preps are preparing to join the whole school assembly on Friday March 8th at 9am. We hope lots of our parents come to watch them being formally welcomed to the school community. In Maths, we are exploring pattern and number, learning about number lines and tens frames. Next week, we are inviting parent helpers…

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Grade 3 Week 5 2018

Welcome to the Grade 3 blog for Week 5. In our blogs for this year, we will endeavour to give a snapshot into our classrooms through the use of pictures of students working hard and a brief caption to explain what you’re seeing. This week we have a few reminders for our parents and carers…

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Grade 5 Shoebox Diorama Museum

This week the Grade 5 students will be presenting their first inquiry projects to the school and parents. The students have worked tirelessly for the last 5 weeks to construct their dioramas using the research they have found. We hope you enjoy this little preview of their work! The Museum will be open to grade…

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