Author: Julie Manallack

Building Works

The building works are progressing steadily. It is anticipated that all classrooms will be ready for the beginning of the new school year. Grove builders are working very closely with Stonnington Council to ensure the correct process is followed and that local residents are kept well informed of the scope of works. We are grateful for the…

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Parking around the school

It was very concerning when a neighbour rang during the week to express her grave concerns for the safety of our students as they arrive at school and leave the school. The neighbour complained that parents are parking on the opposite side of Brookville Road and calling children across the road. This is a very dangerous…

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Chess Championships

Well I did arrive a little late but after stating my intentions to the supervisor at the German Club, I was excitedly informed that Toorak Primary School students had progressed through to the next level of the Chess Championships. Our school was in the first eight schools after narrowing defeating Brighton Grammar School to gain…

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Medical Emergencies

Periodically our students become ill, have an accident or an allergy is triggered. At such times staff exercise duty of care by practising their first aid training. However, should a staff member feel that an ambulance is required, it will be called for the health and safety of the student. I urge all families to…

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Welcome to all school community members for the final term of 2016. I have been notified by the Department of Education that Toorak Primary School will receive a new a two storey building consisting of four classrooms. Two classrooms will be removed to provide space for the new building. Works are due to begin in December. Hopefully the…

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Welcome Home

All study tour students and teachers arrived back in Melbourne safe and sound last Saturday. After arriving at school on Monday, students had lots of exciting tales to tell of their  language immersion tour to New Caledonia. Thank you to all staff – Eva Anderson, Michael Holden and Jenny Wynn, for their willingness to enable such a…

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