Author: Julie Manallack

Traffic Around the School

I encourage our school families to exercise respect and consideration towards our neighbours at drop off and pick up times. Recently there have been several calls from neighbours complaining about inappropriate and dangerous behaviour at the beginning and end of the school day. Please take care at these times for the safety of our school children….

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School Uniform

In order to avoid the loss of school uniforms, I wish to remind parents to ensure each item is named. When items of uniform are named, they can be returned to the correct owner. However, with around 460 students, it is almost impossible to return clothing if it does not have some form of identification. Each week the Junior…

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  School Uniform I wish to remind all children that correct school uniform must be worn at all times as determined by our School Policy. If you have misplaced items of uniform, please check lost property. Named clothing will be returned to the owner. The recycled uniform shop is also available to replace lost items of…

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If there are concerns with a student, the first person in the communication line is the classroom teacher followed by the Level Leader, Assistant Principal and finally the Principal. Level Leaders are: Foundation – Karen McKinnon, Level One – Mia Turner, Level Two – Kerry Merriman, Level Three – Stuart Neville, Level Four – Suzanna…

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Mike Larkin’s Weather

What a great night it was! Many wider community members have emailed to congratulate Toorak Primary School students on their participation in the Channel 10 weather broadcast with Mike Larkin. Thank you to everyone who came along to support the event. A special message of thanks goes to Flip Shelton for organising the broadcast and to…

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Principal News

I trust all our mothers had a very Happy Mother’s Day yesterday. A message of thanks is extended to our Events and Fundraising Committee for organising a lovely selection of gifts for the stall on Friday. Special thanks to Lena Weaver for leading the event. On Monday May 23, Mike Larkin will be at Toorak…

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