Author: Julie Manallack

Canberra Arrival

I have just been notified that the year six students and staff have arrived safely in Canberra. Mr Golden says the children are currently sorting out rooms before having dinner and an early night in preparation for a day touring the sights of Canberra tomorrow.

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Year Six Departure

The Year Six students and their teachers departed from Toorak Primary School in a very orderly manner this morning. Mrs Lomas and Mr Golden along with two interns, assured me that they would keep the school informed of activities during the week. Before departure, I reminded the students to make the most of such a…

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Swimming Sports

Congratulations to Mr Holden for organising such a successful swimming Carnival last Friday. The weather was perfect for the swimming events. Students thoroughly enjoyed the day. A large number of parents were also actively involved with staff adding to the fun through their participation in the relay and the novelty events. Students performed at their personal best…

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Emergency Management Practice

Students may have mentioned that there was a practice lockdown and an allergy practice at school this week.The Department of Education has a rigorous Emergency Management Plan in place for all schools. Throughout the year emergency drills are practised to ensure that, should an actual event occur, all staff members and students are familiar with the procedure….

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Recent Hoax Calls

As you are well aware, there have been numerous schools across Australia and Victoria affected by hoax phone calls and emails. Fortunately we have not been one of those schools. Should the situation arise, our Emergency Managment Plan will be implemented immediately. All staff members have been briefed and are familiar with the Emergency Management Plan….

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New School Year-2016

I warmly welcome students and families back to school for 2016. All students in grades one to six arrived at school yesterday in very good spirits. The school environment looks fresh and welcoming. Staff members are the same. I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year of good quality teaching resulting in all students achieving at their…

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