Camp Quality

Xamp Quality Puppet Show

Monday, 08 August, 9:00 AM — Monday, 08 August, 12:30 PM

Camp Quality is Australia’s most trusted children’s charity. Our purpose is to create the best quality of life for kids living with cancer and their families. At no cost to schools, parents or students- our vivacious and loveable puppets, Kylie, Dean and Melissa visit schools to help support children affected by cancer. The puppets dispel myths and misconceptions that are commonly associated with the illness.

The show explains:

• The ins and outs of cancer

• Why their peer who has undergone treatment may look a little different (due to the side effects of chemotherapy)

• Why it’s important to be supportive of their classmate who is either living with cancer or has a diagnosed parent or sibling

• That cancer isn’t contagious, so it’s ok to play

• The importance of positivity and recognising our own strengths

For more information, please see the attached flyer – Camp Quality- Information for Parents