Category: Principal’s News


A reminder to all families to  inform the school office of any plans to leave Toorak Primary School at the end of this year. We need to know as soon as possible of any departures in order to prepare classes for 2016. Thank you in anticipation for your prompt attention to this matter.

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Welcome Back

I would like to welcome all new and current families to our school family for Term Four. During Term Four all students are expected to wear a hat to school since we are a sunsmart school. The much anticipated Hat Lotto will begin shortly and is an exciting way to encourage and reward students for…

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School Musical

What a fabulous celebration it was! Our talented students, committed staff and exceptionally supportive parent community all contibuted to the success of the musical production. Our current and past parents provided assistance with stage props, hair preparation, makeup, costumes, food, drinks, singing training, dancing practice, drop off, pick up and the list goes on. It was pleasing to…

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Prahran/South Melbourne Primary and Secondary School Provision Study

I have received a letter from the Department of Education and Training confirming that a 7-12 secondary school will be built in the Prahran area. The Government has also planned for further growth at Elwood College, Glen Eira College and Albert Park College. In addition the Government has also made announcements about two new primary…

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Library Books and Take Home Readers

Could all families please remember to return overdue libray books before the end of this term. Students are allowed to borrow from the school library over the school holidays but please return any overdue books. If students have lost a book a reimbursement slip will be issued to cover the cost of a replacement book….

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Principal’s messages

What a wonderful occasion it was to see so many of fathers and grandfathers enjoying a delicious breakfast, ball games, freshly brewed coffee and socialising in the warm spring sunshine. A special message of thanks is extended to Andreas Vecchiet father of Kaaya 3A and Kezia 5/6B for organsing the event. Also special thank you to George…

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