Category: School News Blog

Shotokan Karate

New little warrior classes starting on 11 February 2021.

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Hot Shots Tennis Open Day

Hot shots Tennis is holding an Open Day this Sunday 21 February from 12pm to 2pm at the Malvern Tennis Club, 43A Union Street, Armadale.

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Eduworks Tutoring Services

Call us today for your 4 bonus sessions valued at $228

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Eduworks Tutoring Centres

Call us today for your 4 bonus sessions valued at $228

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Notice of Election and Call for nominations

A call for nominations for the Toorak Primary School Council is currently underway. Nomination forms are available at the school office. All nominations must be lodged at the front office by 4:00pm on Tuesday 16th of February 2021. There are four parent member vacancies and two Department of Education and Training member vacancies to be…

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Second Hand Uniform Shop

The second hand uniform shop will open this Friday 5 February from 8.45am to 9.30am on the balcony outside the office foyer.

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