Category: Year 4

The Great Book Swap

As part of our NAIDOC Week celebrations we will be holding the Great Book Swap at Toorak Primary School to raise money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation aims to improve literacy levels in remote Indigenous communities. We are seeking donations of second hand children’s books that are in good condition for…

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Welcome back and Year Level Newsletters now available

Dear Families, I hope you all add a relaxing and restful holiday and took the opportunity to refresh the mind and the body over the last couple of weeks. Please note that year level newsletters are available on Compass. Please take the time to read them as they provide valuable information of the work that…

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Welcome back to Term 2!

Welcome back to TPS for term 2; we hope everyone had a nice and relaxing break. This term the Grade 4’s inquiry unit is exploring how we can reduce our impact on the environment. As well as learning about sustainability in the classroom, students will be taking part in hands on experiences with Mr. Beck…

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ART SPACE- Years 3 and 4

The Year 3 and 4 students studied the artist Julian Opie throughout term 1. They experimented with simple lines and bold colours to create portraits of people and themselves. While the Year 3s completed works using markers, the Year 4s explored the ‘Sketches School’ app on the class iPads to produce their final pieces. NOTE:…

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Student Progress Reports

Dear Parents and Guardians, To view your child’s progress report, you can either ‘View Academic Report’ (shown on the left hand side under their attendance), or alternatively by using the ‘clicking here’ link in the green box, under ‘My News’. To view their academic report, scroll to progress report and view cycle. A pdf of…

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Restorative Practices at Toorak Primary School

Our school has made a very important decision lately and that is to become a Restorative School.  Using Restorative Practices isn’t something we take lightly.  We’ve been watching what’s been happening in the world of education when it comes to creating a strong school culture, to building effective relationships, to resolving conflict and to improving…

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