Category: Year 4

Woorabinda School Camp

Every second year Toorak Primary School is given the opportunity to send a number of students to the Woorabinda School Camp. Woorabinda is located in Yallourn North and is part of the more widely known Somers School Camp. Both camps are run by the Victorian Department of Education. The camp is 5 days long and will run…

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Online Parent Helpers Course and confidentiality in the classroom

Dear Parents, We have had many parents expressing the wish to assist in the classroom but were unable to attend the workshops. We have an online course available for you to watch. The link is: Online Parent Helpers Course Once you have watched the very quick video (must be on a computer not a phone) and organised a…

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Expression of Interest for Family Life Parent Information sessions- please complete the survey

Dear Parents, We would like to know if you would be interested in attending an education session which offers parents and carers an insight into sexuality education, its importance in the curriculum and how to support your children on their own physical, emotional and social journeys. The workshop can involve parents and carers on their own OR…

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Grade 4 – Exciting Changes and Projects!

Dear Parents, If you have not returned both of your medical forms for Camp can you please return this at your earliest convenience. These must be returned this term for students who are attending camp. Passion Projects Passion Projects will be presented during week 9. Please check your child’s diary at the end of week…

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Timetable change, science project, passion project and camp

Dear Parents, Just a Note: class sport will now be on Fridays passion projects are on Mondays and students will present them in the last week of term in science all students will be making an elastic controlled car linked to forces and experiment saving an egg by designing a parachute (all students will need a cardboard box)…

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Homework Reminder

Dear Parents and Guardians, Just a quick reminder that all homework that is emailed must be from the students ‘Google Classroom‘ account. This will help to develop the student’s ICT skills and allows the teacher to communicate feedback to the student if necessary.   Kind Regards, Grade Four

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