Category: Year 5/6

Day 3 Canberra Camp

Hi parents, We’ve had another great day here in Canberra, starting off with a cruise down Embassy drive where students got to see the architecture of the high commissions and consulates of various countries. All students then visited the Australian War Memorial, where they explored and viewed a range of artefacts and military memorabilia. The…

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Day 2 Canberra Camp

Hi Parents, Wow – what a busy day we’ve had! The students have enjoyed a jam-packed day visiting many different places, including the Electoral Education Centre, where they learnt all about the voting system and even got the chance to fill out a ballot paper and vote themselves! Group 2 visited the Museum of Australian…

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Day 1 Canberra Camp

Dear parents, We’ve arrived safely in Canberra after a big trip on the bus. Everyone is now settled and in bed. Students really enjoyed trivia tonight and are very much looking forward to the activities tomorrow exploring Canberra! We will endeavour to update you tomorrow evening about our first day of activities. From the Grade…

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Grade 5/6 Week 3

Another week completed. The grade 6 leaders ran their first assembly and did a fantastic job. They were also awarded with their shiny new badges. The teachers are all looking forward to the Meet and Greet next week. Remember to book a time on Compass. The grade 5/6 team, Natalie Selisher (5A), Jenna Milligan/Leah French (5B),…

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Yr 56 Week 1

Welcome back to Toorak PS for 2019! The grade 5/6 team have been working tirelessly to provide a seamless transition into the year. Congratulations to all the students for making such a successful start to Term One. The last week has been jam packed with activities to settle students into new routines and get to…

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Year 6 Graduation

Congratulations to all our Year Six students who attended their Graduation last Wednesday at Buxton Hall! It was a beautiful evening celebrating the achievements of all students over the last 7 years. Students should be proud of this accomplishment and we wish them all the best at high school!     

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