End of Term Acting Principal Message

Dear parents and carers,

As today is the final day of the school year, I thank-you all for your commitment to our wonderful school in 2023. Being the Acting Principal of Toorak Primary School is a true honour. Our school boasts an outstanding reputation, characterized by a supportive and engaged community, a truly committed professional staff, and wonderful students. Our efforts throughout the past year have significantly enhanced various aspects of the school, positioning it favourably for continuous growth. The current preparations for Term 1 next year are geared towards ensuring a seamless start to the upcoming school year. The leadership team and I are eagerly anticipating the challenges of the next year, confident in our vision for the school’s future direction.
We eagerly anticipate the return of all our students to school on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, as we embark on an exciting journey of learning for the year ahead. A warm welcome is extended to the new students and families who will be joining us in 2024. To those students and families who are departing, we wish you all the best.

Whether you’re embarking on a holiday journey or staying close to home, whether you’re enjoying the company of friends or family, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a fantastic summer holiday while prioritizing health and safety. Take care, and we eagerly anticipate the chance to reunite in 2024.

Kind regards

Sharon Wildermuth