Fabulous Father’s Day Celebration

What a perfect day our Father’s Day celebration was on Thursday.  The weather was fine, there were hundreds of dads and uncles and grand-dads along with our TPS families all enjoying the hint of spring weather, the smell of cooking sausages, the free coffee, the temptations of the Grade 6 Cake Stall ….and the inaugural Bad Dads Joke Competition.

The BBQ was under the pump from the get go (as the second BBQ was discovered to have a faulty line!) with our Acting Principal Megan Dell donning a Wonder Woman apron and cooking sausages to perfection all morning.  Special thanks to Matt Stirling who wrestled space on the same BBQ and cooked kilos of eggs and bacon.  

Massive thanks to the hidden mums in the kitchen – Elisha Saporito, Ang Kelly,  Claudia Gonzales-Jackson, Grace Segura, Bonnie Wade, Trish Levi, Thuy Nguyen (I hope I haven’t left anyone off that list!) who worked fast and hard to pump out more eggs and bacon; to our teachers Luke Fletcher, Brad Stringer, Andrew Patterson, Leah French and Brit Wren for handing out those sausages and egg and bacon rolls to the hungry hoards; to Annabelle Horsley for doing a gas-dash; to Margaret Goh for running up and down the stairs between the kitchen and BBQ, and the team who packed up at the end cleaning the kitchen with extra thanks to Matt Stirling for doing the dirtiest of jobs – cleaning the BBQ at the end.  Thanks also to Nathan at OSH who was so accomodating working in with us, and always with a smile.

Massive thanks goes to George Ajaimi for providing a huge amount of food free of charge….sausages, eggs, sauce, serviettes and bread.  THANK YOU George.  Your generosity is so gratefully received.

The Grade 6 cake stall was a huge hit and sold out –which is a fantastic result for their end of year Graduation.  Thanks to all the families who both cooked and bought a cake.

Due to the popularity of the Father’s Day event, next year there will be a second BBQ and coffee cart, to keep up with demand.  We thank you for your patience in the long queues.  

The day wasn’t possible without the organisation and enthusiasm of the EMF sub-committee  – Alicia Brown, Ang Kelly, Luke Fletcher, Jackie Middleton and Kerie Wells plus our TPS teachers and parents.  Your smiles and energy and enthusiasm were so greatly appreciated by so many – given the feedback we have received.   

(*) the winning Joke – How do you make a tissue dance?  Answer: give it a little boogie!