Grade 4 News

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) week was celebrated at TPS on Tuesday 24 August with the whole school participating in a range of STEAM activities. These included building bridges, constructing towers out of spaghetti, and making masks, amongst other things.

On Wednesday 23 August, grades 3 and 4 participated in Hoop Time. A big congratulations to our All Star 1 Boys team, who made it to the final, losing only by 1 point. Also a massive well done to our All Star 1 Girls team who reached the semi-final, before being knocked out. Congratulations to everyone who participated throughout the day, we hope you all had a great time running around on the court. Thank you so much to all of the parents and helpers who gave up their time to coach, score and support our teams. This event would not have been possible without your contributions.