With so many activities happening this term, another reason to celebrate in Term 3 is Book Week! Students from Year 1 and Year 3 were introduced to many books shortlisted for the annual CBCA awards during Library lessons in Term 2, and this term they are being enjoyed by Year 2 and Year 4 as well as being available to teachers from all year levels to share with their classes.

The theme this year is ‘Books Light Up our World’ and we have been enlightened by some wonderful characters, stories and interesting facts and illuminated by inspiring illustrators and engaging authors from this year’s shortlist! In Week 6, Year 3&4 students will be visited at school by ‘Perform! Educational Musical’ drama group with their ‘Shine a Light!’ Book Week performance on Tuesday 18th August at 9am in the Hall.

On Thursday August 20th, Year 6 students will be visited by popular author Tristan Bancks from 9 – 10am.

In Week 7 highly acclaimed author and illustrator Anna Walker will speak to Foundation students in the Library from 10-11am and Year 1&2 students from 11.30-12.30 on Tuesday 25th August.

With the Scholastic Book Fair also happening during Book Week and many book –related activities to celebrate Literacy Week in Term 3, there is certainly something to please everyone at Toorak PS!

Scary Night    Two Wolves   Mr Huff

Happy Reading!

Mary-Lou Poulson