Principal Message

Last Friday all teaching staff and Education Support staff participated in professional development titled “Managing Challenging Behaviours & Protective Physical Behaviour Training”. Staff reported that the day was one of the most useful they have participated in this year as it provided everyone with a planned response to a range of behavioural scenarios. Included in the training were presentations on: 1. Definitions and legislation 2. Ethical Responses and Safe Practices 3. Behaviour Management 4. Principles of Early Intervention

A range of proactive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create positive school environments in areas including the classroom and non-classroom setting such as hallways were discussed throughout the day. We will now develop an action plan to ensure consistency in our approach, across the school.

Cake Lotto – Every Friday our students excitedly look forward to Cake Lotto. Families are very willing to make cakes for this weekly event but we desperately need families to sell tickets before assembly. Half an hour each week 9.00 – 9.30 will ensure our weekly cake Lotto can continue. Please call the office if you are able to assist. Thank you to those families who have already supported this weekly event. Julie Manallack