Principal Message

Hat Lotto As the hot summer weather presents itself, I urge all families to ensure children are wearing a regulation style hat at school. A broad brimmed hat or legionnaire hat are part of our school uniform. No other hats are acceptable since they don’t provide the required level of protection from the sun’s rays. To encourage students to wear their hats, “Hat Lotto” will begin next week. All children who are wearing a hat will have the opportunity to win a fresh fruit icy-pole if their name is called. Students who do not have a hat at school will be asked to sit under the camphor laurel tree so that they are shaded from the harsh sun.  Monique, crossing supervisor in Brookville Road, expressed her concerns regarding senior students crossing at various points along the road. Please remind all students to use the supervised crossing for the safety of our precious children and families. Parents please remember to insist that your children leave the car through the door facing the footpath rather than the roadside. Safety is of paramount importance for our school community. Enjoy the remainder the weekend. Julie