Principal Message

With a short week following the school holidays and Easter break, full attendance is anticipated next week. We look forward to all that is planned for this term. On Monday May 6th there will be a student facilitated Annual Reporting evening. Special guest on this occasion will be Adam Voigt who will be working with Toorak Primary School over a three year period to develop a whole school approach to school culture development. Our first ever Trivia Night and major fund raising event will be held at the Malvern Town Hall on Friday May 17th. NAPLAN also takes place on May 14, 15 and 16 for students in years three and five. We ask that all students arrive at school on time, well rested and well nourished in order to complete the assessments as well as possible. I welcome all members of our community back to school for Term Two where students are fully engaged in their learning. Julie