Sports News

Grade 3-6 House Cross Country and District Cross Country
Thank you to all the teachers, students, student teachers and parents that helped run the Grade 3-6 House Cross Country at Orrong Reserve on Friday April 30. I appreciate the help and knowing there is always assistance when required! A number of students qualify for the District Cross Country, which will be held on Friday May 11 at Bald Hill Park, a map of the track has gone home, please check Compass for details of event.

Congratulations go to the following students who qualified for district (please note the age groups of 8/9/10 are combined at district level, the results below are based on times).

2 km races
8/9/10 year old boys- Charlie F 7.33, Will 7.38, Lachlan 7.41, Dimitri B 7.52, Harvey 8.05, Charlie H 8.07, Lars 8.17, Max 8.18
8/9/10 year old girls- Audrey 8.32, Ivy 8.36, Daisy 8.46, Marli 8.48, Sophia M 8.48, Sasha 8.52, Katya 9.02, Molly 9.03

3 km races
11 year old boys- Sam F 13.10, Robbie 14.31, Luca 14.38, Brody 15.10, Jasper 15.15, Ollie S 15.23, Charlie P 15.24, Grayson 16.07
11 year old girls- Josie 13.54, Kaya 14.35, Matilda 14.36, Izabela I 14.39, Hannah 14.43, Kat 15.13, Sinead 15.41,  Isabel V 16.16
12/13 year old boys- Tom T 12.55,  Mak S 12.55.5, Daniel I 13.12, Alex 13.25, Seb 13.42, Anton 13.43, Stefan 13.44, Angus 13.48
12/13 year old girls- Lilly 14.31, Pia 14.32, Emma 14.46, Eloise 14.59, Ella 15.46, Ruby 15.58, Maria 16.16, Ziya 17.36

Grade P-2 House Cross Country
The Prep to grade 2 House Cross Country will be held on Monday May 21 at Brookville Gardens. Parents are welcome to attend and help during the morning. The students will race in their year levels, preps races will be from 9:30am – 10:15am and the grades 1 and 2 will run from 11am-12noon. The students will run 4 laps of Brookville Gardens, approximately 800m. A reminder for students to wear their house coloured top and runners. Please see the photos of students, who last week in PE measured the distance they will run at the House Cross Country.

5/6 European Handball Gala Day
The 5/6 students will attend the European Gala Day round robin this Friday at Fawkner Park, parents are most welcome to attend.

School Sport Victoria
Congratulations to Tom Templeton, Sam Fawcett and Daniel Ignjic who all got through the first round of the School Sport Victoria selection trials. Jayziah Smallman also got through in basketball. These students will continue their quest for state selection at the regional soccer trials this month. Their dedication to sport takes a considerable amount of effort and should be commended. Well done to Josie Agnew and Izabela Ignjic who attended the basketball trials.

Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
Prep students have commenced PMP for the year. If any parent helpers would like to assist on Wednesday afternoons, please see Melody Welton.