TPS Junior School Council project with our local Rotary Clubs

On Tuesday 27th March the Junior School Council were privileged to have Mr Ben Armstrong from Rotary and speak to them about a special project that the Association is involved with in East Timor.  Rotary are putting in water tanks and toilets in primary schools and have successfully installed these in one primary school and have 19 more to complete.

The Rotary Club is a local group who come together to help underprivileged schools and children in countries around the world. The school children in East Timor do not have access to fresh water as we do and need to go and collect fresh water after they come to school, where in many cases they have had to walk to for about two hours. The lack of water means that the schools do not have adequate toilet facilities and as a result the girls are unable to go to school.

Toorak Primary School Junior School Council will be raising money to help install water tanks in one primary school in East Timor. This means that the money we raise will go towards using locally built tanks and the labour of the local population to install the water tanks. The school that we will be helping will display our school logo on the tanks and will also mean that our students will have the opportunity of corresponding with and sending resources to this school.

The TPS Junior School Council will be raising money via casual clothes days, raffles and other activities to help raise the funds for this very valuable cause.  We are certain that our school community will be as supportive as always and we thank you in advance.

The TPS Junior School Council Team.